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Hope it works. We'd love to hear from you.

We still believe
We still believe
We still believe
It's coming home
It's coming home
It's coming
Melanie's coming home
A message from mom.
Hello! Thanks for the kind wishes...
Melanie was discharged last night!
She has laryngolmalacia -- flaccidity of laryngeal structures and tissues causing them to collapse into the airway, and possible acid reflex. Two no big deal thingees, but the cause of her sore throat and poor breathing. Now she is free! We were given a monitor for a month or so, but are so happy to have her home.
Laura and Jeremy
Melanie was discharged last night!
She has laryngolmalacia -- flaccidity of laryngeal structures and tissues causing them to collapse into the airway, and possible acid reflex. Two no big deal thingees, but the cause of her sore throat and poor breathing. Now she is free! We were given a monitor for a month or so, but are so happy to have her home.
Laura and Jeremy
Sunday Update
Melanie is doing well. We've spent a lot of time at the hospital this weekend feeding, burping, changing diapers... parent stuff, I guess. Save for the surreal surroundings, it was almost a normal few days. If anything can be described as normal these days.
We spoke to the doctor today and he tells us that they are still unable to say exactly what is causing her "spells". Not much comfort in that. But she is doing much better and they are beginning to talk about sending her home soon. However, they may still want to do a few tests and/or re-run some tests in the next few days. As always, you'll know more when we do.
Jeremy & Laura
We spoke to the doctor today and he tells us that they are still unable to say exactly what is causing her "spells". Not much comfort in that. But she is doing much better and they are beginning to talk about sending her home soon. However, they may still want to do a few tests and/or re-run some tests in the next few days. As always, you'll know more when we do.
Jeremy & Laura
No Gnews is Good Gnews...

Melanie had a good day yesterday. Laura and I visited her and got to hold her for a while. Her tests have all come back negative so far, and she even got to eat for the first time in days! So even though we still don't know the cause of her "episodes" and there are still tests to be run, we're hopeful.
Again, thanks to everyone for your concern. Keep checking back for more updates and more photos.
PS. If you don't catch the reference in the title then you need to brush up on your 80's television. Off we go!