
Damn dirty apes

New arrival

No, not THAT new arrival. But this will shepherd us to and from now. So say farewell to the Geo Prism, and hello to the Honda Odyssey.

You may notice that it doesn't quite fit in the driveway. That's not good. But it drives and turns like a car, and it has all the bell and whistles you could ask for. 17 cup holders! 17! What are we going to do with 17 cup holders?

Grrrr, bark, woof

USATODAY.com - Bush's 'regular guy' mode can backfire

USATODAY.com - Bush's 'regular guy' mode can backfire
Wayne Fields, director of American culture studies at Washington University in St. Louis, said these moments help Bush relate to average Americans.

"The problem," he added, "is that in times of real crisis, people begin to think maybe you need somebody who is extraordinary."

Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, said the nature of the presidency precludes the idea that any occupant can be an average Joe.

"The office transforms you into a rarefied creature," she said.
This isn't a political statement, honest. I just wonder how often siblings' college professors are quoted back-to-back like this. Eh, Tracy?

Allez Floyd!

We support our local athletes!


Scenes from the kiddie pool

Thanks to the Flores for the photos of Isabella and Melanie. These and more at their blog.

Watering (ba-ba) the plants

Morley Field, Balboa Park

Who me?

Photos by Diane Wright, Melanie's former day care provider, and good friend! ;-)

Dog Beach, Coronado, CA


You'll never make a monkey out of me

"Stop the Planet of the Apes, I Want To Get Off!"

What noise does a "..." make?

this is an audio post - click to play

Surrounded by Boys

Evan, Melanie, and Cameron kicking it at the (world-famous San Diego) zoo.


Happy Birthday, America

One year ago today...

Got yogurt?

Oldie but Goodie

An old favorite "toy".