Surrounded by Gilmore Girls

I'm willing to admit to having enjoyed the show over the last few years since Laura turned me on to it. It was frequently annoying, but most often it was fun and even clever at times. And to be honest, how hard is it to watch Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel for an hour each week?
So I guess this is a long way of asking, with yesterday's season finale, if anyone has any suggestions for television viewing on Tuesday nights. We've got an opening.
The Unit rocks.
Start Tivo-ing the original episodes on ABC Family and you can watch them on Tuesdays at 8pm.
Plus, you might get lucky and hit the season when Adam Brody was Laine's boyfriend Dave. The episode where he visits her at the dance marathon is the best or is it when they kiss on Thanksgiving? Which epiode is better? That's a really hard decision.
Can you tell I LOVE THIS SHOW!
As if we haven't seen EVERY EPISODE!
And Adam Brody... such a mensch. They way he pretended to be a Christian guitarist to fool Mrs. Kim... ;-)
Boston Legal is my recommendation!
Annoymous from the land of 1,000 lakes
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