Merriam-Webster Spitzberg

- Hi
- Uh oh
- Mommy (which often means "I want...")
- Daddy (which often isn't directed at me)
- Doggie
- Bird(y)
- Book
- Shoes
- Milk
- Juice
- Please
- Up/Out
- No
- Yeah
- Cheese
- Ow
- Boot
- Moo
- Hippo & Mop (thanks to TMBG)
- Door
- Cookie
- Cracker
- Boo boo (which means poo poo)
- Head, Knee, Eye, Ear, Mouth, Nose
- Ball
- Bar
- Feet
- Paper
- Puppy
- Baby
- Turtle
- Train
(photo taken by Granny Franny @ J.W. Tumbles)
I love this picture of Jenna...
She now says: Jenna, bye, wow, duck, and a few other words (although nobody but her parents and sister truly understand her).
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