
Tracy Anne Spitzberg, the daughter of Alicia D. Leff of San Antonio and Larry A. Spitzberg of Houston, is to be married Sunday to Marc Daniel Shedroff, a son of Elissa S. Shedroff and Steven H. Shedroff of Allentown, Pa. Rabbi Samuel M. Stahl will officiate at the Westin Riverwalk Hotel in San Antonio.
The bride, 33, will take her husband’s name. She is the managing director of staffing for the New Teacher Project in New York, a nonprofit organization that helps urban districts around the country recruit, train and place teachers. She works from her home in Palo Alto, Calif. She graduated summa cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Shedroff, 33 is a manager of strategic partnership development at YouTube, working on licensing agreements for video content. He works in San Bruno, Calif. He graduated cum laude from Brandeis and received an M.B.A. from Penn.
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