How we spent our summer vacation
A follow-up to the post about our San Francisco trip when we met cousin Rosalie... We actually took a few family vacations this summer and I've tried to organize the pictures a little bit.

Houston, Texas
June 21-27, 2009

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
July 26-29, 2009

San Francisco, California
August 5-9, 2009
Of course we've also gone to camp, the pool, the world famous San Diego Zoo, Sea World, Quail Botanical Gardens, the Children's Museum, a Padres game, a variety of parks and played countless hours of dress-up. It's been a great summer and we're starting to gear up for Jenna's next year at pre-school and Melanie's... *gulp* ... going to KINDERGARTEN!

Houston, Texas
June 21-27, 2009

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
July 26-29, 2009

San Francisco, California
August 5-9, 2009
Of course we've also gone to camp, the pool, the world famous San Diego Zoo, Sea World, Quail Botanical Gardens, the Children's Museum, a Padres game, a variety of parks and played countless hours of dress-up. It's been a great summer and we're starting to gear up for Jenna's next year at pre-school and Melanie's... *gulp* ... going to KINDERGARTEN!
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