How we spent our summer vacation
A follow-up to the post about our San Francisco trip when we met cousin Rosalie... We actually took a few family vacations this summer and I've tried to organize the pictures a little bit.

Houston, Texas
June 21-27, 2009

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
July 26-29, 2009

San Francisco, California
August 5-9, 2009
Of course we've also gone to camp, the pool, the world famous San Diego Zoo, Sea World, Quail Botanical Gardens, the Children's Museum, a Padres game, a variety of parks and played countless hours of dress-up. It's been a great summer and we're starting to gear up for Jenna's next year at pre-school and Melanie's... *gulp* ... going to KINDERGARTEN!

Houston, Texas
June 21-27, 2009

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
July 26-29, 2009

San Francisco, California
August 5-9, 2009
Of course we've also gone to camp, the pool, the world famous San Diego Zoo, Sea World, Quail Botanical Gardens, the Children's Museum, a Padres game, a variety of parks and played countless hours of dress-up. It's been a great summer and we're starting to gear up for Jenna's next year at pre-school and Melanie's... *gulp* ... going to KINDERGARTEN!
Aunt Judy's 60th Bday Weekend
Here's a pic from our trip to the Bay Area.
Here's a pic from our trip to the Bay Area.
First Haircut
...for Jenna

And second ever haircut for Melanie...

... whose first haircut, of course, was at TracyMarc's wedding.

And second ever haircut for Melanie...

... whose first haircut, of course, was at TracyMarc's wedding.